There are several factors that could trigger this type of acne.
You can try these following tips to control your your problem.
- Make sure to wash your face or your skin affected area with a gentle cleansing agent twice a day.
- By using an exfoliating product especially for acne, gently exfoliate your affected area twice a day. Make sure you do this gently, otherwise you will aggravate your condition.
- Do not squeeze your acne.
- Use only noncomedogenic moisturizers or make up. They will not block your pores.
- Keep consuming well balanced and healthy diet food.
- Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.
- Drink lots of fresh clean water
- Be consistent.
The best acne vulgaris treatment is adopting the holistic approach of healing, that treats your body as a whole and enhances healing from your body within.
Eating too many foods that are rich in sugar and sugar like junk food can cause many problems for our health.
These kinds of foods can cause insulin rush in your body that can damage you hormones levels and in the long run increase the amount of pro inflammatory hormones that can lead to break outs. Junk foods are also lack of nutrients, lots of chemicals such as addictives and preservatives.
Since our daily foods do not provide the essential nutrients that we need to keep our immune system strong, it is also recommended that we take supplements.
You will have to treat your body as a whole and be consistent with treating your acne vulgaris. Effectiveacne vulgaris treatment does not includes only using acne creams. You can notice your acne condition improving drastically once you can accomplish this treatment for acne vulgaris.
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