Monday, June 30, 2014

Tips and Tricks How to Treat Acne Vulgaris

More than 80%, at some point in his live, many people suffered from  acne vulgaris, commonly called acne. Not only painful, acne vulgaris  could also damage one's social confidence and social life. Though almost more than 90% acne vulgaris affect teenager, this skin problem may continue into adulthood.
When it is severe, acne vulgaris is charaterized with many follicular comedones and papules. That's why acne vulgaris mainly appears in the area where there is a lot of follicle, like on the face of back.
During puberty when hormonal level change is high, or by the improve in sex hormone, acne vulgaris mostly appears in teenage time. And in general acne does vanish or reduce in visibility as one grows much older though in many cases they could continue when someone enter their twenties. Generally it becomes difficult  to predicts how long it will take to vanish. For many people they still suffer this skin problem until thier thirties.
Though exact cause of acne vulgaris is not known, but there are several other factor that seems to contribute to acne breakouts
There are few factors that contribute to acne. Commonly acne vulgaris appears when dead skin cells, dust and oil clog the pores, this called hyperproliferisation or when hair follicle to get plugged up. Another common cause is the over production of sebaceous glands in the skin that makes the skin become very oily. Bacteria called Propionibacterium acnes is another main factor that contributes to acne vulgaris. In the clogged area caused by the over production of oil bacteria proliferate and cause inflammation which makes the acne lesions so swollen and red.
You can judge the severity of the acne by the amount of lesions and the degree of inflammation in pustules, papules and comedos.
From this you can decide what kind of treatment you need. To unblock the pores you need to clean your skin. Propionibacterium acne needs to be eradicated and sebum secretion needs to be minimized. For further treatment and information you may visit dermatologist to get appropriate treatment for your acne.

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