Although medically benign, acne in some patients is cosmetically and psychosocially malignant. Severe and untreated cases heal with scarring which may be deep (ice pick), atrophic, hypertrophic or keloid. There are three main processes contributing to acne viz increased sebum excretion, pilosebaceous duct obstruction and Inflammation. The organismsresponsible are propioni bacterium acnes, staphylococcus epidermidis and pityrosporum ovale. Acne may also be drug induced particularly secondary to steroids, iodides, lithium, phenytoin, streptomycin, and isoniazid.In modern system of medicine, there is a large number of effective drugs for acne, but they are having a lot of side effects like drying of the skin, mucus membrane,depression and indeed suicide have been reported.
Fortunately Unani Physicians have been treating this disease for many years by different means, and they have mentioned various Unani drugs single as well as compound in classical literature for the treatment of Acne. According to Ibn Sina, sometimes white eruptions appear on the nose and cheeks, just like freezed drops of milk. They are caused by maddae sadeediya (suppurative materials) which move towards the skin due to bukharat ( vapours) of the body. Various drugs herbo-mineral origin such as Neem, Alwa, Saras, Hina, Husne yousuf, Irsa, kharbaq, Darcheeni , Tukhme khaskhash, Bozedan, Ghandak etcetc have been extensively used by Unani physicians in the treatment of Acne.
Compound pharmacoepial preparations like Zimade mohasa, Ghaza turang, Husne ghaza, Sharbate Unnab, Itrephal Shahitra etc have been proved to be highly effective by various clinical studies published in well index journals of complementary and alternative systems of medicine.
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